We customized packages that suits your need. We offer variety of day out packages for corporates, families & friends outing in Bangalore.
PSR Enthrals provides you the best adventure activities in Bangalore, Karnataka that will guide you through your adventure quest. Make sure, you don’t get spoilt with abundance of choices for your next adventure tour!
Bestowed with high peaks and mountains, fascinating rivers, challenging terrains, and alternative natural marvels, India has become an epitome of journey sports within the world. Be it on the east, west, north or south, the country has ample choices that supply the specified adrenaline kicks to the journey junkies.
Soar into the skies and revel in the air as you go paramotoring in all over the Karnataka. Paramotoring, conjointly called hopped-up paragliding, allows you to fly sort of a bird with the help of a hopped-up paraglider that consists of an engine, a propeller during a cage, and a harness with a seat. The equipment is light-weight and minimal, excellent to depart you with an incredible flying experience! hopped-up paragliding is so a marvelous innovation within the world of aviation. This sport, with international recognition, has gained loads of recognition in India over the years. In India, hopped-up paragliding is generally done by children and tourists, who are searching for singular expertise. Except for this, hopped-up paragliding is used in military activities, however to a restricted extent. It's conjointly used by civilians in terrains wherever walking or driving is sort of not possible. loads of enthusiasts use it for game viewing and photography additionally.
Para Sailing - Get swept off your feet and float within the air! Have a motorcar / Motor Boat pull you within the air for brief exhilarating ride beneath a ParaSail. You’ll soar to three hundred feet in height and also the sheer joy of soaring in the sky like kite flying many feet higher than and not a lot of want of training has created soaring vastly standard.
If you are looking for a fun and exciting time, PSR Enthrals got you covered! Ours unfold options fields and a range of the way to play paintball arena. Our facility is ideal for birthday parties, special events, and tournament play. We tend to are a team-oriented field and work with our players to deliver the foremost current, exciting and dynamic game fiddle.
You will be enthralled on every trip because you will meet new people every time you go on a trip with us. So, Pack your bag and join us for this upcoming weekend.